In line with university-wide commitments to responsible consumption, event planners have a unique opportunity to consider sustainability and climate impacts as they bring together campus gatherings. Explore the four essential steps for planning a Green Event, and resources to connect with each step of the way:
1. Choose a Preferred Green Caterer
2. Order Compost and Recycling Bins
3. Post Waste Sorting Signs
4. Minimize Waste with Free Food Alert

1. Choose a Preferred Green Caterer

Look through our directory of caterers and food trucks to supply your event with local food and zero-waste options. Preferred Green Caterers (PGCs) have agreed to provide compostable cups, plates, and utensils for Hopkins events at no additional cost. We do recommend you confirm with the caterer your preference for only compostable items. Please note, not all PGCs can provide zero waste boxed meals. Be sure to check for the icon on the list. Some facilities fees may be waived when you choose a PGC.
If you own a catering company or food truck, take our PGC certification survey below to see if you meet our requirements.
2. Order Compost and Recycling Bins

To see if your campus provides compost bins for events, reach out to your event scheduling contact or identify your campus facility contact from the list in our guide. Be sure to order compost and recycling bins at least two weeks before your event.
As you plan your waste reduction strategies, you can also encourage attendees to “BYOE” (Bring Your Own Everything) including plates, utensils, glassware, and cloth napkins.
3. Post Waste Sorting Signs

Educate your guests about how to properly sort their waste by posting visible signage at your event. Check our printable signs and table tents, as well as PowerPoint slides below.
4. Minimize Waste with Free Food Alert

Developed by Hopkins graduates, Free Food Alert allows event hosts to share leftover food from events through a mobile alert system. Post your leftovers on Free Food Alert after the event to treat fellow students and colleagues to a free meal and reduce food waste. Subscribe to send and receive Free Food Alerts below!
You can also minimize food waste (and catering costs) by planning ahead: requiring registration for your event can help get an accurate head count and prevent over-ordering.
Additional Green Event Tips


Utilize JHU’s digital marketing tools such as Today’s Announcements, the Hub Events Page, OrcaTV, and the Sustainability Listserv to avoid generating paper waste and gain better exposure for your events and communications.

Use recyclable or reusable decorations; consider using natural décor, such as plants or floral centerpieces, and limit use of balloons. When possible, omit dates and location from banners and other event materials, so they can be reused. You can also provide reusable name tags and collect them at the end of the event.

Making a purchase for your event?
Visit our Purchase Responsibly page for more ways you can make sustainable choices for your event.