Well-Being Day 2023
The beginning of the academic year is a great time to create or renew healthy habits, like getting enough sleep, moving your body, and engaging with hobbies like being outdoors or the arts. This event will feature a variety of activities including engaged art, mindfulness, and movement that celebrate wellness, an emphasis on sustainability, and…
Climate Change and Humanitarianism: A New Framework for Humanitarian Aid in the Face of the Climate Emergency
Join us for the first Health Systems Forum of the new academic year featuring a discussion on climate change and humanitarianism. Hugo Slim from the University of Oxford will present a new framework for humanitarian aid in the face of the climate change emergency. He will reflect on how current ethics and action in the…
Seminar: Medical and Public Health Consequences of Nuclear War: We Must Prevent What We Cannot Cure!
Special guest speaker Ira Helfand, MD a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN, the recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, and past president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, IPPNW, the founding partner organization of ICAN and itself the recipient of…
ROSEI Translation Workshop 2024
The Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI) is tentatively planning to host its next annual translation workshop for energy and sustainability technology at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on September 27, 2024.
Grand Rounds: Tiered Approach Hazard Assessment of Advanced Materials by High-throughput Screening and Omics
Roland Grafstrom, Karolinska Institute, Institute of Environmental Medicine
Next-Generation Desalination and Water Purification Membranes: Where Are We Now?
Menachem Elimelech, PhD Sterling Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Yale University
Nutritive Aesthetics: Knitting Gardens of Hope in Contemporary Latin America
Gisela Heffes Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture Department of Modern Languages and Literatures A tissue, in Spanish tejido, is defined as a set of cells that form a structural part of a living thing. A tejido is also a material fabric that involves careful and artisanal work. Blankets are woven objects that warm us up in…