Maxim Bichuch
Assistant ProfessorMaxim Bichuch, PhD, focuses on financial mathematics, utility optimization, market with transaction costs, counterparty risk, and valuation adjustments. -
Martin W. Bloem
ProfessorMartin W. Bloem, MD, PhD, has primarily focused on challenges that include blindness prevention, public health, nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, food security and food access, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. -
Art Bragg
Associate ProfessorArt Bragg, PhD, focuses on the characterization of light-driven chemical dynamics and material behaviors. A common thread throughout his research is the use of ultrafast spectroscopic techniques to observe processes that occur on timescales shorter than 10-13s (timescales of atomic and molecular motions). -
P.J. Brendese
Associate ProfessorP.J. Brendese, PhD, engages issues of racialized carcerality, border politics, racial capitalism, and environmental catastrophe, with ongoing work including essays on the temporal aspects of environmental racism, eco-fascism and white supremacy as well as an edited volume entitled A Political Companion to Toni Morrison. -
Kristin Brig-Ortiz
Graduate FellowKristin Brig-Ortiz, M.A., is currently interested in clean water supply and access in the nineteenth-century Cape Colony and Natal, especially the intersection of water shortages, contamination, and social/cultural tensions in port cities. She is more broadly interested in the racial and class dynamics of public health in British Africa. -
Lucas Buccafusca
LecturerLucas Buccafusca, PhD., is a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Buccafusca’s research interests are in distributed control, learning, distributed optimization, and nonlinear systems. Applications of his research are primarily used for wind farm arrays.
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