Art and creativity share many valuable connections with sustainability. As a universal language, art can help foster an understanding of social and environmental issues and inspire action. It can also be an outlet for reclamation and waste diversion, encouraging creative uses of recycled or natural materials. Particularly in an urban setting, art and nature are also both essential outlets for well-being through stress reduction and self-expression.
Many works of art, including those at JHU, are inspired by the natural world. From modern to historical works, to sculptures and paintings, the Johns Hopkins campuses are host to a variety of displays that capture the spirit of sustainability. To shed light on their backgrounds, JHU has joined Bloomberg Connects, an app that provides free access to global art exhibits and collections, and now features over 200 works from across JHU and JHM.
Below are some sustainability-focused works showcased on the app:
Roots by Elias Sime
At the Hopkins Bloomberg Center in Washington D.C., Artist Elias Sime assembled a composition that spans over 2,000 square feet across the theater’s external walls. The work is made of reclaimed woven wires and electronic components — a sustainable medium of repurposed materials.
According to Bloomberg Connects, “The work speaks to the cost of progress and stands as powerful evidence of the sheer pace and volume of disposal.”
Bufano Sculpture Garden, Beniaminio Bufano
JHU’s Homewood campus is “dotted with statues, monuments, and other public art pieces commissioned, donated, or lent to the university by individuals, alumni and student groups, and private organizations,” according to Bloomberg Connects. One well-known series of sculptures is found in the Bufano Sculpture Garden, showcasing camels, cats, and snails nestled in the greenspace between the Boscom Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories and the Recreation Center.
Metaxu by Shahzia Sikander
On the seventh floor “Garden Loft” of the JHU Bloomberg Center, Shahzia Sikander’s Metaxu spans the north wall. Composed of a glass mosaic, Sikander’s work depicts a stunning natural scene that explores the meaning of the Greek word metaxu, meaning “in-between” or “middle ground.”
“The wondrous landscape of Sikander’s Metaxu occupies dual realms, evoking the natural world and the human impulse to sculpt it into an idealized paradise,” according to Bloomberg Connects.
Explore these works and more by downloading Bloomberg Connects on iOS and Android devices.