Student Organizations by Campus
Explore this list and get involved.
- Alternative Protein Project aims to develop technological frameworks by which to enable nutritious, sustainable, equitable and ethical food systems.
- Engineers Without Borders partners with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects.
- Experiential Education offers fun outdoor trips to students in order to encourage the exploration of nature and to foster environmental stewardship in participants.
- GreenHacks seeks to offer a platform for competitive ideation and creativity to spark innovative and sustainable solution design.
- Hopkins Student Wind Energy Team aims to expose undergraduate students to the wind energy industry through a combination of hands-on wind turbine design and testing, development of a siting plan for a wind farm, and on-campus educational initiatives.
- Hopkins Undergraduates for Sustainability in Hospitals aims to gather forward-thinking undergraduate students to work with Baltimore hospitals on reducing their negative environmental impacts.
- Real Food at Hopkins is a student-run chapter of the Real Food Challenge committed to bringing local, sustainable, humane, and fair food to the Johns Hopkins campus.
- Refuel Our Future’s mission is to protect public health by encouraging divestment from fossil fuel companies.
- Sustainable Hopkins Innovative Projects (SHIP) is an innovative student organization in which students identify, promote, and carry out sustainability initiatives at Johns Hopkins.
- SGA Health, Safety, and Sustainability Committee aims to promote sustainable practices on campus and advance the interests of the student body with respect to campus developments and facilities usage.
- Students for Environmental Action is a group that promotes environmental advocacy, outreach, and awareness on the Homewood campus.
- Environmental Health and Engineering Student Organization at the School of Public Health works to facilitate interactions between students, staff, and faculty of the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering (limited to members of the department).
- Hopkins Eco-Collective is an organization of Public Health graduate students that works to promote and advocate for environmentally sustainable practices at JHSPH.
- Hopkins Environmental Resourcefulness and Botanical Society (HERBS) offers an urban garden at the School of Medicine campus and educates about medicinal botany and sustainable living.
- Planetary Health Alliance is a club at the School of Medicine which aims to mobilize and lead an inclusive, transdisciplinary movement to protect planetary health. For more information, please contact Preetham Bachina: [email protected]
- Net Impact is a student organization affiliated with the global Net Impact organization, “A global network of leaders who are changing the world through business.” Their local mission is to provide education to their members and the local business community on socially sound, economically just, and environmentally sustainable business practices.
- The Blue Jay’s Perch Community Garden at Eastern is a space for Johns Hopkins students, faculty, and staff to join community members to learn and practice safe and environmentally sustainable food production.
- Johns Hopkins University Cycling Club is a student club focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle of bicycle riding and racing. Club membership is open to all Hopkins students, faculty, and staff from all divisions of JHU and includes cyclists from all backgrounds, disciplines, and fitness levels.
- JHU is a member of the Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN), an organization with nearly 80 member universities across the country, with the mission of cultivating, educating, and inspiring the student-led zero waste movement. As a result of our partnership, JHU has access to the PLAN Store, which provides a discount on goods from socially and environmentally responsible companies. For more information on the JHU PLAN chapter, contact [email protected].
Have you established a new environmental organization or see one that is not included? Send us a message at [email protected].
For a comprehensive list of student organizations, visit Hopkins Groups or attend the Student Involvement Fair.